Master - Load Grading/Rating List

This option allows you to load data into Tournament Director for Windows. Three types of data can be loaded:

  • ECF Club List
  • ECF Grading List
  • FIDE Rating List

Loard Grading/Rating List

At the top of the dialogue are the dates of when the details were last loaded. This information can also been seen on the Options dialogue.

The List dropdown list allows you to select the type of data to be loaded. The format is automatically selected, but in some circumstances it can be changed. The source file can be entered or selected via the ... button.

To load the file click on the Load button. The system validates that the file is in the correct format and then loads the data. It can take a while to load the data, so a progress dialogue is displayed.

After the ECF Grading List or the FIDE Rating List has been loaded you should use the Master->Bulk Match menu option to match your players on the system against the ECF/FIDE players on the new lists.

ECF Club List

This list is published by the ECF. It is a list of clubs as defined by the ECF. When submitting results for grading with the ECF, new players must have an ECF club.

This list needs to be loaded before the ECF Grading List is loaded.

The system does contain a default list, but it needs to be updated when new lists are made available by the ECF.

Once the ECF Club List has been loaded, subsequent updates can be loaded. The correct Type must be selected as the format of the file is validated.

ECF Grading List

This list is published by the ECF. It is published annually, updates to this list are also be published periodically. It is a list of all players that are graded by the ECF. It contains key details about the player (e.g.: ECF Code, name, DOB, grade, club, FIDE No). Players on the ECF Grading List can be selected or matched with players on your system.

When the ECF Grading List is loaded, the details of all the players with a ECF Code are automatically updated. If a ECF Code has been merged the players will be automatically merged on the system. If a ECF Code is removed, the code will not be removed from the player, but the latest grades will be set to blank and a note will be added to the player.

Once the ECF Grading List has been loaded, subsequent updates and merges can be loaded. The correct Type must be selected as the format of the file is validated.

FIDE Rating List

This list is published annually by the ECF and quarterly by FIDE. They use different formats, but both formats can be loaded on to the system. It is a list of all players that are rated by FIDE. It contains key details about the player (e.g.: FIDE No, name, country, rating, FIDE Title). Players on the FIDE Rating list can be selected or matched with players on your system.

When a FIDE Rating List is loaded, the details of all the players with a FIDE Number are automatically updated.

FIDE are not consistent in the format in which they publish their Rating List. So, if a FIDE Rating List is loaded from FIDE the Load Wizard dialogue may be displayed to identify the correct format of the file.

The latest version of the FIDE Rating list can be obtained from the FIDE website Rating from the download page.