Tournament View

The Tournament view displays four tabs of information.

Tournament View

The Details tab display details about the tournament and the players.

The Players tab displays details about the players

The Pairings tab displays and allows the pairings. These can be updated.

The Reports tab displays various reports.

Common Buttons

A following buttons are available on all tabs.

Print Buttons

The Players, Pairings, result slips and Cross Table buttons provide quick access to the relevant print. On clicking on one of these buttons the associated print dialogue will be displayed.

Tournament Buttons

Player list button displays the Player List dialogue so that the players in the tournament can be maintained.

Avoid List button displays the Avoid List dialogue so that the avoids in the tournament can be maintained.

Avoid Generate button displays the Avoid Generate dialogue so that the avoids for the tournament can be automatically maintained.

Bye list button displays the Bye List dialogue so that the byes in the tournament can be maintained.