How To Load a FIDE Rating List as published by FIDE

How to download the FIDE Rating List

  1. Goto to the FIDE ratings website
  2. click on the Download Ratings List from the menu on the web page
  3. Click on the TXT link for the latest Rating list download
  4. Save the Compressed file into a folder where you can easily find the file
  5. Once the download has been complete and open the file which has been downloaded
  6. Copy the TXT file from the zip file and save it into a folder so that it is easy to find

How to load the FIDE Rating List

  1. Select the Master->Load Grading/Rating List menu option
  2. On the Load Master details dialogue:
    • Select 'FIDE Rating List' from the List dropdown box
    • Click '...' to browse for the FIDE Rating file to be loaded which you have just downloaded (it should be named mmmyyfrl.txt)
    • Click on the Load button
  3. The system will display the 'Load Master details wizard'
  4. Clickon the 'Next' button for each of the Steps, there should be no need to change any of the import options.
  5. After the FIDE Rating list has loaded, the 'FIDE' tick box at the bottom of the player list will be enabled to allow you to view players from the FIDE Rating List